News, views, tips and how to's for Peterborough and Kawartha Home Builders
Congratulations to the winners of the Housing Design Awards season 2023
City of Peterborough announces Provincial Building Faster Fund
Housing is not meeting demand in Peterborough. City of Peterborough is not growing as an urban center. Supply is too low.
The Peterborough & The Kawarthas Home Builders Association feels the need to issue a statement in regard to the 2023 Q2 housing starts data which has recently been released.
The 2023 OHBA Conference was held at the Blue Mountain Resort and featured a full day of education followed by the annual Awards of Distinction. PKHBA Member Dietrich Homes won Builder of the Year, small Volume & best Amenity Space at the provincial awards.
Summary of Ontario Building Code changes from CodeNews
We need more homes in our communities to support quality of life through housing that is attainable for residents.
We need more homes in our communities to support quality of life through housing that is attainable for residents. Housing connects us all.
From Next Home: Housing approvals need to be timely to restore housing affordability in Ontario, by Luca Bucci, CEO of the Ontario Home Builder's Association
Bill 23 received royal ascent on November 28, 2022 The Provincial Conservative government has brought in many acts to build Ontario and create the housing needed for our growing population
Ontario's Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing released Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster on October 25th. Commenting on the bill is open now untill the end of November and beginning of December.
Throughout the conference, several other awards were handed out, including OHBA Local Association of the Year, which was awarded to Peterborough & the Kawarthas.
October 25th Ontario's Provincial Government Announced new lesiglation, that if passed, would support Ontario's newest Housing Supply Action Plan to build the homes.
The Summary of Bill 109 "More Homes For Everyone".
Find out how you can benefit from being a PKHBA member.
Read the annual message from PKHBA president Garnet Northey.